CFSL as a Debenture Trustee ensure the protection of interest of debenture holders.
CFSL specializes in varied facets of Debenture Trustee services as under:
1. Facilitating documentation, exercising due diligence and timely creation of security for debt securities.
2. Ensuring creation of securities by the Issuer and holding of security including safe custody of documents.
3. Monitoring of payment of interest/redemption of principal.
4. Monitoring security cover and other financial covenants.
5. Dissemination of rating revision/ payment of interest/ redemption information by disclosing on Trustee’s website/ with Credit Rating Agencies/ Stock Exchanges
6. Timely and Effective resolution of investor complaints.
7. Ascertain that the debentures have been converted or redeemed in accordance with the conditions under which they were offered to the investors.
8. Enforcement of security as per terms of issue/ regulatory guidelines.
9. Appoint a nominee director on the Board of the Issuer in case of event of default.
10.Exercise due diligence to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, the SEBI Regulations and the debenture trust deed by the Issuer.
Click bellow links to download list of Debenture.